Logistics and Speaking Engagements

by maritime

Logistics and Speaking Engagements

by maritime

by maritime

We are busy these days trying to work out logistics for the mission, which involves who’s going, where ship and personnel transfers are taking place, travel arrangements, equipment checks, and the list goes on and on. Many challenges….how to get US and FR Navy software to “talk” to one another with different equipment, how to bring another 100 or so people up to speed on what the project is about and what we’re looking for. And then there are the fundraising aspects! This mission will be our most complex yet, but could easily be our most productive as well. I am anticipating it to be the biggest challenge of my BHR career, and am really excited about it.

Was thinking today about all of the adventures – from Submarine NR1 in 2008, where I lived with 12 men and four bunks for 5 days, to being one of two women on a FR Navy minehunter, and one of two women on USNS GRASP. Members of the BHR team often are invited to present to various groups…I am waiting for the day when someone asks me to talk about BHR, but from the perspective of what it’s like to be a woman in a man’s world. The stories I could tell…
